The Official Website of Delfin Lee

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DELFIN LEE was born on December 24, 1955, in the city of Quezon. He was the second child in a family of 7 children. Both his parents were educated and belonged to distinguished families. His father, Don Antonio Lee Chi Uan, a diligent businessman whom Delfin considered as his model, came from China; while his mother, Dona Asuncion Sy Lee, a highly accomplished woman whom Delfin referred to as a very loving and prudent mother was born in Manila.

At a young age, he was already manifesting virtues of magnificence and leadership. He usually spent most of his time in his grandfather’s lumberyard and afterwards decided to work hands on where he had a good grasp of the tricks of the trade and acquired the virtues of patience, hard work, positivism and perfectionism. What even makes him great is that he is grateful to the people who made him who he is - his parents. And in everything he does, he does it in tribute to them.

Delfin obtained his first formal education at Grace Christian high school at Grace village Sto. Domingo Quezon city. On his tertiary years, he took up Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Major in Management at University of Sto.Tomas in Sampaloc, Manila.

Coming from a Filipino-Chinese family, Delfin Lee was naturally expected to put up his own business and master the art of running it. From his stint at the lumberyard, he began his stellar rise in the real estate industry with the establishment of a housing project for his own employees. The project became a success and with his skill for marketing and business ability, he established what is today known as Globe Asiatique which was established in 1994

In the hope of providing a decent home for Filipino families, he has a vision of creating housing projects to every viable land. And it is not just houses, but communities complete with schools, town halls, recreational areas and livelihood opportunities. He envisions a time when Filipinos are all able to live in decent places uplifting their dignity and pride.

Delfin Lee’s success isn’t just driven by his natural skills in business; his success is rooted in his passion and his heart. He is involved in various charities and other philanthropic activities. He builds off the dreams of Filipinos and makes it real. He gives back not just because he has the means to do so but because he believes that a day will come when everyone will have an equal opportunity to excel with his contributions to making life better for the common Filipino.

Delfin Lee, a visionary, a man of action.

To know more about Delfin Lee see this link:

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